Cryptoflorida News

Friday, July 16, 2010


     The title says it all. The world we live in today, with failing economy's and the ever search for the breaking story, has led many to skip the practical and given rise to tabloid stories. It used to be that only magazines such as the National Enquire or Hello! would be the home of made up stories to fill it's pages with worthless content. But today......this is happening world wide. It seems that a story about a mangy dog or a fox can but concocted and reworded to include a cryptozoologiczl this case, Chupacabra, to make every arm chair cryptozooligist rush to that area to get in on the bogus facts.

    Natgeo or National Geographic's television, ran a story about an elderly lady that killed an animal and kept its remains for scientic study. When these remains were sent to Texas A&M for DNA analysis, it was indeed found to be nothing more than a common Coyoyte. There was another body found in the West Mesa area of New Mexico which turned out to be nothing but the carcass of an Ocean Skate which is a type of Ray. More remains found in Nicaragua and sent to UNAN were found to guessed it.........a mangy dog. Recently more of these sick animals have been trapped, and even found dead lying on golf courses, and people STILL want to call them Chupacabra. Some even went as far as to stuff them and put them into make shift museums.

    There are organizations out there that have dedicated time and effort into these mythical creatures. The CFZ or Centre for Fortean Zoology is one. They made a vacation........I mean "expedition" to Texas in search of the creature they later renamed....Blue Dog. This organization has since gained a rep unfavorable by many. Questions into their financing and press report manipulations have gone unanswered. You can go here :

You can see the CFZ report site here:


     Even though the DNA was tested and logical explainantion have been proved....there are those gullible people that believe in this nonsense. And what's worse....are the ones that report and spread the word as fact. Those that do, are like the CFZ, adding to their own credibility. I for one have been witness to these animals for over 30 years and have killed, or humanely, put them out of their misery. Now they turn up in the southern states more and more.....why? It's because the mange thrives in the warmer climates. I come from the upper midwest where we kept hese animals from freezing to death in the winter due to there lack of body hair. They are nothing but sick animals and they raid farms for livestock because they are too sick to hunt for the meals. WAKE UP people....There are NO CHUPACABRA in TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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